
Double parking bad?

How many times has we seen people double parking, I mean if sometime you ter-park out of line a little is ok la, sometimes its cause you didn't notice, sometimes its due to certain reasons, but no forgiveness to those who double park like no ones business, I mean if it is at a place where there are plenty of car parks, and not much people parks there, by all mean, triple park and no one cares, but at certain place where car park is limited, please park properly, or at least leave some space so that a normal sedan car can park!

Double and triple park is bad enough for us, but the worst thing is to do it at the handicapped area, I know that most of the time these car parks are free and most likely no handicapped will park there, but what if you did that and then some poor handicapped fellow is frantically searching for a car park?

Picture stolen from fast and furious forum, google if you don't know where this forum belongs to


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